Here's what else we have been up to:
Before we started doing preschool at home, we were trying to get E into the preschool at our church. There was a waiting list, so we decided to try preschool at home. Wednesday, our church's preschool director called and left a message that there was an opening starting next week. I called her back Thursday to tell her we were doing preschool at home and really enjoying it. Turns out she had given our slot to someone else anyway so everything worked out the way it should! So, we finished up the letter D this week. Onto the letter E next week....we're cruising!
We were going to make some brownies today, but turns out I don't have enough eggs, so we are putting that off until tomorrow. E told me that she could only wait this long *holding her fingers together as close as she could w/o pinching them together* for brownies! LOL
Yes, we are still able to swim in our pool. The temps are still unseasonably high (we are 91° as I type this post) so we spent an hour or so in the pool this afternoon.
Blog Revisions
I made a revision to my blog layout, changing it from two columns to three columns, with instructions from Girlie Blogs. The instructions are very clear and it is easy to do! Also, the background is stationary (stays fixed..doesn't scroll).
That's it for now. The Princess is asking to play on the computer for a while (she loves to play on and so time to hand the keyboard off to HRH.