The Princess Proclaims.....

"My mind went on vacation but now it's back!"

"Mom, when I grow up, I'm going to be a Princess Ballerina Fairy Mermaid Astronaut."

"Mom, I'm really sad right now. I wanted to marry Prince Eric. I want to have a real baby. I want to fall in love."

"Mom, I love learning about God and singing about God. Everyone needs to learn about God!"

"Mom, when we say I Love You to each other, it makes my heart sing!"

"Dad, I have to tell you something. Did you know when you eat, your ears wiggle?"

Sunday, December 06, 2009

The Many Silly Faces Of.....

E.  She made every possible silly face before she would let me take one of her really smiling. 



She doesn't usually fall for the reverse psychology stuff anymore.  But, I told her "Do not to, DO NOT smile.  I told you NOT to smile, you're going to break my camera." Bingo......

Here's the money shot!

OK, so I'm biased but I just LOVE that face!

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