The Princess Proclaims.....

"My mind went on vacation but now it's back!"

"Mom, when I grow up, I'm going to be a Princess Ballerina Fairy Mermaid Astronaut."

"Mom, I'm really sad right now. I wanted to marry Prince Eric. I want to have a real baby. I want to fall in love."

"Mom, I love learning about God and singing about God. Everyone needs to learn about God!"

"Mom, when we say I Love You to each other, it makes my heart sing!"

"Dad, I have to tell you something. Did you know when you eat, your ears wiggle?"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Turtles, turtles, everywhere......

The park closest to us has a pond that is full of turtles.  I'm not sure how it got so full.  I've heard stories that people just started dumping pet turtles into the pond.  Not sure if this is true or not, but whatever the reason, this pond is FULL! 

There are a few deck areas where you can go sit and rest and watch the turtles or feed them.  There is a big sign right on the wall of the deck saying "DO NOT FEED THE TURTLES BREAD"  Any guesses what you see people standing there feeding the turtles?  Ummm, yeah, bread.  There is a little machine where you can get a paper cup and for 25 cents, buy food to feed the turtles, but for some folks, I guess they think they know best. 

It was very sunny today and we saw lots of turtles out of the pond, sunning themselves. 


Reminds me of the time we were traveling across Alligator Alley in southern Florida and saw all the alligators sunning themselves, sometimes one on top of the other, along the banks.*insert scardy face smiley here*

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