I was on my computer, when The Princess came up to me and asked me if she could play on Disney Online. I told her no and before I could say that she could play later, she scrunches up her nose, clenches her fist and says "You Are A Mean Mom Who Doesn't Want Me To Have Fun!"
Apparently this lesson was lost on The Princess. Well, she is only five but that was the best I could come up with on short notice. I don't think quickly on my feet. I'm hoping she doesn't notice this anytime soon. Anyway, she lost it. Lost. It. Screamed at the top of her lungs for a good ten minutes. She knows the rule...if she screams and screams, I shut her door. She doesn't like that. She soon settled down.
When I went to talk to her, she was laying on her bed, with her eyes closed. I thought she must have worn herself out screaming so she fell asleep. Nope, she opened her eyes and sat up in bed giving me just about the saddest face I've ever seen. After a brief conversation about why I had her go in her room, she told me "Mom, do you know why I had my eyes close? I was praying to God. I asked him to please forgive me and wished that you would forgive me to. Do you?" Well, how can you be mad at a sweet little girl after that? "Of course I forgive you, Princess." She said "I'm so glad mom, that you always forgive me."
A few minutes alter, she asked me if she could have some Bunny Crackers. I told her sure. She looked at me with a smile and said "Mom, You Are The Best Mom In The World."
Five year old girls can be fickle and full of drama. I have no idea where she gets it from. Really. Drama or no drama, love me or not, I'm so thankful that this five year old is mine! :o)