The Princess Proclaims.....

"My mind went on vacation but now it's back!"

"Mom, when I grow up, I'm going to be a Princess Ballerina Fairy Mermaid Astronaut."

"Mom, I'm really sad right now. I wanted to marry Prince Eric. I want to have a real baby. I want to fall in love."

"Mom, I love learning about God and singing about God. Everyone needs to learn about God!"

"Mom, when we say I Love You to each other, it makes my heart sing!"

"Dad, I have to tell you something. Did you know when you eat, your ears wiggle?"

Sunday, July 25, 2010

File this one under Imagination In Overdrive!

I've posted a lot about my daughter's imagination.  Just when I think I've heard the funniest thing from her, she surprises me.

It's not secret that she LOVES Disney Princesses.  Just about every day, she pretends to be one of the DP's and has this whole storyline that he replays, sometimes ad naseum. 

Today, she was in her blue princess gown, and tells me she just got married to Prince Eric.  Then she tells me that she is moving to the beach but not into my house on the beach but we can live next door.  Then...well I'll just post what I put on my Facebook status today.

"Is currently in a house with a Princess in a blue gown, who was recently married to Prince Eric that is being pulled through the sky by Rudolph who is taking us to the beach to look for a house that is colored 1/2 blue, 1/2 purple and 1/2 yellow."

followed by:

" ‎...and I just became a Grandmother to Daisy who was born because The Princess wished on the Wishing Crown to have a baby the same day she got married and viola (her new favorite word to say), Daisy arrived. "Now remember mom, I get to name her because she is my baby."

There is so much more of the conversation I'm leaving out so I guess it's the cause of "Guess you had to be there" to see the humor in it but some days she is just pure entertainment!  Love this little girl. :o)

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