The Princess Proclaims.....

"My mind went on vacation but now it's back!"

"Mom, when I grow up, I'm going to be a Princess Ballerina Fairy Mermaid Astronaut."

"Mom, I'm really sad right now. I wanted to marry Prince Eric. I want to have a real baby. I want to fall in love."

"Mom, I love learning about God and singing about God. Everyone needs to learn about God!"

"Mom, when we say I Love You to each other, it makes my heart sing!"

"Dad, I have to tell you something. Did you know when you eat, your ears wiggle?"

Saturday, July 30, 2011

This Was My Best Graduation EVER!

Today, my baby girl, my Kindergartener, graduated and is now a 1st Grader!!

We had a surprise Graduation Party for her, complete with cap & gown and Pomp & Circumstance playing in the background. 

I had my DH take her to the park this morning.  I baked a cake, made some ice cream, wrapped her graduation gift, and got her cap & gown out on her bed.  I even made her a graduation certificate!

My daughter called me to let me know they were coming home. I waited in her room for her with the door closed.  When she opened her bedroom door, her initial look was “Huh?  What are you DOING Mom!” LOL  But when I explained what was going on, she was so thrilled.

Over and over today, she repeated “This was my best graduation EVER!” as if she has had so many before this. LOL   She wore her graduation cap & gown for quite a while today, taking it off only to eat or go in the pool.  She even asked me tonight if she could sleep in the gown. 


I think she was pretty pleased with the day.


On another note, I’m working on setting up our homeschool blog where I will post all about our homeschool days.  I’ll keep this blog for all other Princess-related things.

Thanks for stopping by.  Enjoy your weekend.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Another few months have flown by…..

I had good intentions of keeping up this blog but got sidetracked.  We’ve been so busy with homeschooling and enjoying our pool that this has just gotten pushed to the back burner.

Trying on her new Princess and the Frog bathing suit


I’ve decided to start a new blog to chronicle the homeschooling journey we are on.  This blog will continue to be about The Princess but will have limited posts about homeschooling and just focus on her every day antics.

I’ll post a link to the new blog when I have it setup and ready to go.

For now, we are just finishing up our kindergarten year.  Yes, we are homeschooling during the summer.  It is hot here, and not much to do outside besides go to the beach or swim in our pool, so we have continued Kindergarten into the summer months.  I hope to finish up by the end of this month.  Then we will take off a few weeks to give us a short break and give me time to finish getting everything ready for 1st Grade and then we will be back at it.

Hope you are all enjoying your summers!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Turtle & Bread In The Same Sentence?

Sounds weird, right?  But that is what we did today. Make Turtle Bread. 
We are studying a unit on Turtles in Kindergarten. For those of you who don’t know, I homeschool E.  It’s been a challenge, but one we continue to work at. 
Anyway, just as we were finishing up our unit, I saw instructions on how to make a turtle-shaped loaf of bread.  I had been looking for SOMETHING to make shaped like a turtle and *snap* there it was! Perfect.
Today was Turtle Breadmaking day.  I just make a quick recipe of white bread from my breadmaker (which is broke at the moment but that is another story) recipe book
and then set it to rise on the counter.  E kept running to check to see if it had “rised” yet. LOL
The fun part was next.  E got to “punch down” the dough.  Then we broke it up into the following pieces and put it together on a greased cookie sheet.
Shell – one 6” ball of dough
Head – one 3” ball of dough
Legs – four 2” balls of dough
Tail – one wedge of dough
We didn’t have raisins to use for the eyes, so E suggested we use chocolate chips.  Yummy.  Great idea E!
*forgot to mention the eggwash - 1 egg mixed with 1 tbsp water *
Let it rise again for 30 minutes, than into a 375 degree oven for about 25 minutes.
Turned out GREAT and tasted GREAT too!
Not sure if there will be any left when my husband gets home!
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