We are studying a unit on Turtles in Kindergarten. For those of you who don’t know, I homeschool E. It’s been a challenge, but one we continue to work at.
Anyway, just as we were finishing up our unit, I saw instructions on how to make a turtle-shaped loaf of bread. I had been looking for SOMETHING to make shaped like a turtle and *snap* there it was! Perfect.
Today was Turtle Breadmaking day. I just make a quick recipe of white bread from my breadmaker (which is broke at the moment but that is another story) recipe book

and then set it to rise on the counter. E kept running to check to see if it had “rised” yet. LOL
The fun part was next. E got to “punch down” the dough. Then we broke it up into the following pieces and put it together on a greased cookie sheet.
Shell – one 6” ball of dough
Head – one 3” ball of dough
Legs – four 2” balls of dough
Tail – one wedge of dough

We didn’t have raisins to use for the eyes, so E suggested we use chocolate chips. Yummy. Great idea E!
*forgot to mention the eggwash - 1 egg mixed with 1 tbsp water *
Let it rise again for 30 minutes, than into a 375 degree oven for about 25 minutes.
Turned out GREAT and tasted GREAT too!

Not sure if there will be any left when my husband gets home!